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Bonolo Matjila, a student at the Cape Academy of Mathematics, Science and Technology in Cape Town, South Africa, has embarked on a mission to find a cure for worldwide malnutrition. Her young team has started a social venture selling low-cost Spirulina products in order to both provide cheap meal supplements to their community and fund their project educating other students to grow their own Spirulina. When the 15-year old is not growing Spirulina, she is spreading awareness about malnutrition and the benefits of Spirulina along with her partners Ijaaz Sayed and Zené Merton. Bonolo has always had a passion for charity as she often does community service at the municipal clinic in her hometown, Pretoria. She also takes part in debating, and has competed in a number of competitions. She is currently preparing for her upcoming moot law competition in 2015. Bonolo would like to pursue a career in the aviation field and has already begun training to obtain her private pilot license.
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Rethinking International Development: Big Ideas from the Invention Generation
Krontiris: Okay, good morning everybody! My name is Kate Krontiris and I am a fellow of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society, and I have the thrill of moderating what I think is going to be a fascinating discussion. If you came here this morning looking for some inspiration, I think you’re going to […]
Nov 10, 2014
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Techonomy 14
This year Techonomy moves to the beautiful Ritz-Carlton Half Moon Bay, November 9-11, on the cliffs south of San Francisco, near Silicon Valley.
Nov 7, 2014
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