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Forbes Technology Columnist; Principal Analyst, Atherton Technology Research
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Jean-Baptiste ‘JB’ Su is a principal analyst at Atherton Research, a global technology research and advisory firm, headquartered in Silicon Valley, and delivering strategic insights to help business leaders make the right informed decisions. JB also writes the popular FORBES column TechPulse 360, on disruptive innovation, focused on emerging trends like IoT, AI, VR, autonomy and mobility. Prior to Atherton Research, JB had a successful 20+ years career as a business and technology journalist, working at leading media groups, including IDG, Havas Publishing, La Tribune and L’Expansion.
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Techonomy 16
MANkind’s evolving relationship with tools and MACHINES is nothing new. But the speed at which we, and everything around us, are becoming more closely connected and NETWORKed is.
Feb 3, 2016
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